I Hate Krishnamurti: Decision creates a contradiction
So what we are trying to do is to feel out the totality of action. There is no action without the background of thought, is there? And thought is always choice. Don't just accept this. Please examine it, feel your way into it. Thought is the process of choosing. Without thought you cannot choose. The moment you choose, there is a decision, and that decision creates its own opposite - good and bad, violence and nonviolence. The man who pursues nonviolence through decision creates a contradiction in himself. Thought is essentially born of choice; I choose to think in a certain way. I examine communism, socialism, Buddhism; I reason logically and decide to think this or that. Such thought is based on memory, on my conditioning, on my pleasure, on my likes and dislikes, and any action born of such thought will inevitably create contradiction in myself and therefore in the world; it will produce sorrow, misery, not only for me but for others as well.
Planicie do lado esquerdo na qual é antecipado o desagúo do ribeiro. Som e sabor de àgua e pedras frescas acariciadas por ervas recentemente brotadas duma manta de lembranças de Outono. Mais ao centro um calhau gigante caíu do céu. Adivinhos do acaso ou obra do Deus distraído. A montanha gigante fecha o cenário antes de chegar ao centro.
No centro sim.. uma queda de àgua e Primavera todo o ano..
Desci há pouco do pico mais alto mas já sinto saudades. As descidas são sempre iguais e pisa-se no chão ao acaso porque estamos próximos do céu.
Estou deste lado agora. Já estive no outro mas não me lembro de nada. O caminho faz-se bem. É bom ter companhia para o desfrutar, a caminho do horizonte, numa linha de fuga para o canto superior direito.
SOCIALISM: You have two cows. Give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Give both to the government. The government gives you milk. CAPITALISM: You sell one cow and buy a bull. FACISM: You have two cows. Give milk to the government. The government sells it. NAZISM: The government shoots you and takes the cows. NEW DEALISM: The government shoots one cow, milks the other, and pours the milk down the sink. ANARCHISM: Keep the cows. Steal another one. Shoot the government. CONSERVATISM: Freeze the milk. Embalm the cows.
When you look at this life of action - the growing tree, the bird on the wing, the flowing river, the movement of the clouds, of lightning, of machines, the action of the waves upon the shore - then you see, do you not, that life itself is action, endless action that has no beginning and no end. It is something that is everlastingly in movement, and it is the universe, God, bliss, reality. But we reduce the vast action of life to our own petty little action in life, and ask what we should do, or follow some book, some system. See what we have done, how petty, small, narrow, ugly, brutal our action is. Please do listen to this! I know as well as you that we have to live in this world, that we have to act within time and that it is no good saying: 'Life is so vast, I will let it act, it will tell me what to do.' It won't tell us what to do. So you and I have to see this extraordinary phenomenon of our mind reducing this action which is infinite, limitless, profound, to the pettiness of how to get a job, how to become a minister, whether to have sex or not - you know all the petty little struggles in life. So we are constantly reducing this enormous movement of life to action which is recognizable and made respectable by society. You see this, sirs, do you not - the action which is recognizable and within the field of time, and that action which knows no recognition and which is the endless movement of life.