sexta-feira, julho 25

touché Luisa

Discover The Doors!

terça-feira, julho 22

I Hate Krishnamurti: The nature of the trap

Sorrow is the result of a shock, it is the temporary shaking up of a mind that has settled down, that has accepted the routine of life. Something happens - a death, the loss of a job, the questioning of a cherished belief - and the mind is disturbed. But what does a disturbed mind do? It finds a way to be undisturbed again; it takes refuge in another belief, in a more secure job, in a new relationship. Again the wave of life comes along and shatters its safeguards, but the mind soon finds still further defenses; and so it goes on. This is not the way of intelligence, is it?

No form of external or inward compulsion will help, will it? All compulsion, however subtle, is the outcome of ignorance; it is born of the desire for reward or the fear of punishment. To understand the whole nature of the trap is to be free of it; no person, no system, no belief can set you free. The truth of this is the only liberating factor - but you have to see it for yourself, and not merely be persuaded. You have to take the voyage on an uncharted sea.

Book of Life - July 22nd

terça-feira, julho 15

touché, Claudia

touché, Paul

sexta-feira, julho 11

pense pas

vitimas do big bang, alegrai-vos!

bajulai o ukulele sagrado e sereis salvos da ambiguidade do "big" e da tristeza inata do "bang".

Separai o som da explosão em acordes e não temais o que já lá vai, mas aguardai com esperança e preparai-vos para presentear com musica os novos mundos.

from "the river starts at the sea: technics for procrastinating"

imagem de

segunda-feira, julho 7


sábado, julho 5

mood for tomorrow

quinta-feira, julho 3

technikós: humore privatu

Maximum RPM

Copyright © 2000 by Red Hat, Inc.
Taking the Red Hat Package Manager to the Limit
Edward C. Bailey
Red Hat, Inc.

Red Hat, Inc.

2600 Meridian Parkway
Durham, NC 27709
Research Triangle Park, NC 27713


To Deb — My lover, editor, indexer, and friend…
To Matt, who heard "Daddy can't play right now" far too often…

Table of Contents

Linux and RPM — A Brief History


terça-feira, julho 1

ó zé. vamos ver o nascer do sol ao areinho..


Hoje vi uma lambreta com um autocolante assim: "je pense a toi"

"mas como é q sabe q sou eu?"
"pensa em mim ao andar de mota?"
"pensa em mim ao acelerar?"
"talvez um idiota e
pense em mim ao travar"

"pensa em mim
e por isso anda de mota, motoreta, lambreta?"
"pensará no planeta.."
"pensa em mim"