sábado, janeiro 31

I Hate Krishnamurti: Decision creates a contradiction

So what we are trying to do is to feel out the totality of action. There is no action without the background of thought, is there? And thought is always choice. Don't just accept this. Please examine it, feel your way into it. Thought is the process of choosing. Without thought you cannot choose. The moment you choose, there is a decision, and that decision creates its own opposite - good and bad, violence and nonviolence. The man who pursues nonviolence through decision creates a contradiction in himself. Thought is essentially born of choice; I choose to think in a certain way. I examine communism, socialism, Buddhism; I reason logically and decide to think this or that. Such thought is based on memory, on my conditioning, on my pleasure, on my likes and dislikes, and any action born of such thought will inevitably create contradiction in myself and therefore in the world; it will produce sorrow, misery, not only for me but for others as well.

Collected Works, Vol. XI - 164


At janeiro 31, 2009 1:07 da tarde, Blogger serrabisco said...

Esta está muito boa!

O meu objectivo é desconstruir os ditos do krishnamurti.
Parece-me que há algo aqui que não bate certo. Ainda não consegui perceber o quê.

Para já o homem parece bombardear-me com anti-eus e ao mesmo tempo fazer-me ver a verdade nas suas palavras.

"and that creates contradition"


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